Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Photographing Colors

Yesterday we photographed as many colors as we could find in the Fanger's backyard. The kids were so creative and got some great shots!

Here are a few that were taken:

and here they are holding some of the colorful objects they found to photograph:

Monday, November 26, 2007

"That's what friends are for"

I just realized that I never posted our pics from last week! Our theme was being thankful for friends, and we took pictures of eath other!

I love these jumping ones!

I also just found more of the shadow pictures that were taken on my small camera, so those are now up on the flickr site too.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Session #4 -Shadows!

We had so much fun on Monday photographing shadows! The kids were so wild this week -and had tons of fun singing, chasing, and talking about their weekends.

Check out the flickr stream for more pics!

materials fee

Ok, so I finally figured out how much it costs to keep the ink and paper flowing. It turns out to be $7.00/month per child.